Posted 5 February 2012
Public discontent about new council regulations affecting coastal property planning in Australia is rising sharply. A few days ago, Professor Ian Plimer, David Archibald and Professor Bob Carter travelled to Newcastle to address a public meeting on the issue. Despite only 3 days notice of the meeting, almost 400 people turned up. Somewhat surprisingly, perhaps, a local Mayor attended; less surprisingly, when he rose to speak the audience exhibited significant hostility. Sea-level action groups also exist on the central and southern NSW coasts, and are pressuring both their local councils and the state government on the issue. Bob Carter has written a briefing paper that encapsulates the Australian situation. With small customization changes, the paper could apply to the sea-level policies being applied in many places around the world. So anyone who finds bits of the document useful, please feel entirely free to pirate them for your own use.
Pdf of Bob Carter's paper [here](sea level-bp-02.1-z.pdf)